
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Joanna Cotten - Long Lost Cousin?

When you wake up at 3:00 am because the house is cold and you need to add wood to the stove you might as well turn on the TV. So I'm flipping through channels watch a little bit of some movies and finished with a Dolly Parton classic, Blue Valley Songbird which if my daughter had been awake she would have watched it instead of cartoons.
Here's my point its getting close to time for the alarm to go off when I flip to a channel and see my cousin Tammy singing on TV, no its not Tammy, with that big hair and big voice, it could be Tammy so I watch.
Its Joanna Cotten, never heard of her, but I continue to watch. I'm thinking with a voice like that and hair that high she must be from Oklahoma. Turns out she was born in Memphis and raised in Forrest City, Arkansas.
She calls her music "Funkabilly" which is also the name of one of her songs. Its a combo of Delta, R&B, Country & Rock. This is "wear your bra while your dancing" music.
This girl can sing and what a performer. She dances like James Brown and has the charisma of Elvis. Oh, my gracious I didn't know if I was watching a rock concert or a pentecostal revival.
Then during one of the short interviews between songs I find out that her parents make tree stands for a living, yes that's right, deer stands. She would fit right in here in Oklahoma.
If you haven't heard of her either you will this girl is going to be famous. Have a great day, Territory Mom

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